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on sunday we picked david 3 up from the airport. the younger boys had just finished camp at byu, and d3's week was about to begin. conway was so excited to see him! we headed to the canyon for sunday dinner, which is when we were greeted by this little girl...and her mom. the canyon is our favorite place in utah. and this time it was filled with many of our favorite people. which made it an amazing sunday. gg was quite the trooper this trip. her health hasn't been that great this past year, so this really was her first time away from home in a while. she needed the break more than she'd like to admit. phoebe wasn't sure what to do with all the attention she was getting. we all fought over her, and she cried with each of us. till the end of the night, which is when our faces started to become familiar. we "hiked" over to bridal falls. my kids beg every time we go to the canyon to go to nunn's, so we can go to the falls. i have to mentally prepare for wet shoes, and clothes. my fearless boys, and nephews decided they didn't want to wait for an adult and headed all the way up the falls. by the time i arrived, they were almost to the top. i knew conway wasn't coming down, unless mom or dad was with him. parker was on tilley duty, so i headed up...and up...and up. i couldn't believe how high up they were. last time we hiked up, we went maybe half the way they went this time. it was gorgeous. i loved it just as much as the boys. the view was seriously amazing! i don't think the mountains and the green could ever get old. maybe it's cus i'm so used to the brown desert. it's a nice change.