
byu basketball camp

my boys have always wanted to do byu basketball camp. worked out great now that we live in utah. conway however, isn't old enough...and he wanted to go more than anyone. it was long days for those boys, and by the time they finished, they were pooped! it was nice having uncle lee live so close to the Y. the boys stayed monday, tuesday and wednesday night at his house, and just went with him to camp each day. wednesday night lee took them to see toy story 3, with casey. they had so much fun! the last day tony, parker, the kids and i went and watched their games. after we went to the creamery. my mom and gg came to visit for a week. we met them at brick oven, to celebrate their arrival. it ended up being a big family affair. the more, the merrier. after dinner my mom took tilley with her, and we headed to brad & malias for games. the boys had fun playing video games while the adults played pirates dice, and had some left-over dessert. malia is in the baking semester at culinary school, so she always has good treats for us!