
one week...

...in arizona. the boys wanted to go to basketball camp at mesa high. it's a 2 week session, and we would only be able to stay for one week of it. they didn't care. we drove down, played ball and drove back up. let me tell you how rough it was getting conway up at 7:30am to make it to basketball by 8. he definately loves his sleep. i had uncle tony wake him up one day, and he said, "now i know what mom has to go through every morning with me." exactly! cons loves basketball though, so although he struggled, he made it. grandma cheryl took conway and tilley birthday shopping. they also got measured at her house, and later got to do the money grab. grandma cheryl always takes the kids birthday shopping and to lunch. to my surprise, the kids were home after only being gone an hour. she later told me that when she asked them where they wanted to go to lunch they both said, "i'm not hungry." this grandma who "doesn't babysit," got a wild hair this weekend. she decided to take the "posse" (6 year-olds) to the cabin. alone. who was more excited...the kids, or the parents? it would only be a couple days till i met them there, on our way back to utah.uncle davy took the boys up with him, the next day. and the following day, tilley, tony and i headed up north. one of the kids favorite things to do at the cabin is catch crawdads. they look like little lobsters. both days they went they caught over 70 crawdads. and ate every last one. i mean, fought over them! the dad's get just as into it as the kids do. this year they had legit crawdad poles, hand made. attached at the end of the string, on the hook, is a piece of a hot dog. grandma regulates the dogs, the kids end up eating half of them. it's such a fun past time, and for those that eat them...very rewarding. sunday afternoon tony, cooper and my kids...minus quincy, headed to utah. we did a little swap with cooper and quince. she wanted to stay with molly and cooper wanted to come do byu basketball camp. this trip home was a little longer than expected. after having to take a major detour from flagstaff due to a forest fire. we went all the way through tuba city, to winslow (navajo nation), and then back over. 14 hours later, at 4am, we made it. and then had to get up the next morning for basketball camp. fun.