we had a pretty eventful weekend. friday parker's boss was in town for a few days, so friday he took the boys, and they went to see robin hood before taking him to the airport. the girls and i went to target and chic-fil-a, where tilley pooped her pants, without even thinking twice...so we ended the gno early. saturday was ball game after ball game; where parker destroyed the ball and killed it as short stop, team pictures, anni's birthday party, car wash, dry cleaning and then the most anticipated event of all. picking up the lee's from the airport. parker got a speeding ticket on the way into the airport; which was fun, and come to find out has a "canceled license" in az. so i got to round the airport for the 3rd time, to pick lee up, and take to drive parker's truck, before his 10 min. were up and the truck was impounded. fun. sunday we woke up late for church, and decided to get ready, make sack lunches, and head to provo.
we stopped at a baseball field and the kids practiced hitting. then we had lunch at a park close to the lee's. we drove through a few neighborhoods looking for houses in "the bubble" and after made way to the canyon. usually we set up camp at glens, but this time we went further in to nunns. we found a pit by the river; after being booted from the rv camp, and hung out there from 3-9pm. it was perfect. the canyon will never get old. we played g0 fish with the kids for hours, until the wrights got there. had dogs and fruit and then hiked/rode scooters to the waterfall. gorgeous to say the least, but the water was freezing. the kids could have cared less. my kids have no fear, they would have hiked to the very top had we let them. they played in the freezing water, and of course i ended up going in after tilley monster. everyone left with wet pants and shoes. for the love.

when we got back to camp we had a suprise waiting for us. besides the two racoons that had invaded, the lee's and the mabry's had finally arrived. we ate s'mores till we were all sick, and the kids played their own game of go fish. it was fun visiting with them, and seeing casey boy awake. although they are still on europe time, which would have put them at 3 am. my kids are excited to have another cousin in utah. and we are looking forward to spending time with them for the short time they are here. tomorrow i have a birthday boy...so we'll be seeing them all again, and cannot wait!