conway has been talking about his superman/water balloon party for a couple weeks now. after searching both target and walmart for anything "superman" all i could find was the shirt he was wearing...so i had to come up with my own decor; or a few logo print outs, turned cupcake toppers and party favors. and thank goodness the weather has been nice, so we were able to make his water balloon wish come true. we had friends and family meet at the park behind parker's store; our favorite, to help him celebrate turning five! it was simple, yet perfect. we had close to 500 water balloons, and they lasted maybe five minutes. conway loved it, and luckily there were only a few tears.

how can you go wrong with pizza and root beer, we got just a few too many pizzas, but there was plenty to eat. conway asked why there were so many girls at his party. most of our friends have all girls, and my reply was "it's monday, family night, so everyone is invited" parker's reply was "dude you won't be complaining about that when you're older."

it was a little breezy, so we had a hard time keeping the candles lit. but he had them blown out before we even finished singing. all today in the car we listened to the "birthday mix" and conway couldn't wipe the smile off his sweet face. he was so excited about his blue cupcakes and blue frosting, although he mentioned that next year he wants purple. i think his cousin casey had 3 or more cupcakes...he was in sugar heaven.

he made out big time with presents. lots of balls and guns, and legos, which he had asked for. and of course a bag full of candy, which i'm sure is half gone by now.

the park was a perfect location. we bring parker lunch some days and walk down to this park. most of the time we are the only one's here. i spread a blanket out and we are there for hours. tonight however, it was packed. there were baseball games going on, so the park was crazy. it made it fun for conway though, and everyone joined in on the festivities. since the party started before parker was done working it was nice he could just walk over when he finished.

course the giant balloons were a hit. towards the end of the party we cut them off, and each kid got one. parker tried to do a count down and have everyone let theirs go. which not one kid thought was a good idea. a couple popped, which sent the kids into tears. but eventually they all ended up letting them go. conway dies over these balloons. i always find them in my wash, from him shoving a couple in his pocket after visiting dad's store.

the day went by so fast, and before we knew it the party was over. i had to stop a friend in the parking lot to take a picture of us with our birthday boy. i always forget to get pictures with my kids, cus i'm always the one behind the camera. i'm trying to be better. conway is the sweetest thing. he just looks at you and smiles, and you seriously melt. he has such a soft voice, and when he cries it breaks your heart. he can hardly walk by me without spanking my butt, and he got that from his dad. he gives me the best compliments on my fancy cooking. and never forgets to say thank you. i love this five year old boy! happy birthday cons!