love when the primary kids get up and sing "mother i love you" on mothers day. i sing that song to my kids all the time, and insert their name for mother. so they all had big grins on their faces when they were singing on the stand. even tilley, who's not in primary, got up on the stage. and our kids make up half of the primary in this ward. our ward also gave out the little bags of the pretzel/rolo/walnut things. yum. there was 6 in my bag, enough for everyone to have one. they were amazing. i didn't get breakfast in bed, instead we woke up to an alarm clock and rushed to get everyone ready for 9am church. conway dragged his feet, as always. him and quincy are so not morning people. after church we had a mellow day. parker made the kids lunch and i made a sheet cake for dessert later. we snacked on cheese and apples, and watched movies with the kids. parker gave me the sweetest card, which is always the greatest gift when accompanied with "a kiss, a hug and an i love you!" man i'm so in love with him! the kids all gave me their hand-made gifts from school. my favorite. after rest time, we headed to the millers for a bbq. jeff's parents, grandpa dale and grandma linda were visiting for bobbi's baby shower. i love jeff's parents. "good hell linda" cracks us up. she just adores my kids, it's the sweetest thing. we joke with jeff cus he says "oh bobbi" just like parker remembers dale saying "oh linda" back in high school. which now has turned into "good hell linda." jeff explained that it's only used when something ridiculous comes out of their mouths. and we laugh every time he says it. i drove parker and the kids up the huge mountain, and they rode scooters all the way down, while jeff was on his cruiser. we watched the suns sweep the spurs in the play offs, and had the most amazing burgers. toasted buns, cheese melted on top, letus and tomato. i don't love burgers, but this was delicious. the day was the perfect mothers day. even if parker and i were both away from our own mothers.