tilley had been asking for a "make-up" party for a while. she is obsessed. i didn't wear make-up till my wedding day. like blush, eye shadow, mascara and lip stick. i still only wear what is needed to cover up blemishes and aging spots, ok so i have permanent eye liner...still. for my (now) 3 year old to be as "in to" make up as tilley monster is, seems ridiculous to me. i nixed the "make-up" party...i'll have to "make it up" to her after age 16! the day before i sent a message to all tilley's friends to meet us at "jump on it," in lindon (orem). my kids always see it on our way to provo and have all been wanting to go. wed & thurs are "mommy and me" day. so from 10-11, the prices are significantly cheaper than on any other day. and much cheaper than having an actual party. the place was all ours, a few others there, but mostly us. and the kids, and mom's had a blast.

"no outside food or drink allowed" was posted right on the door. we figured since we were basically the only one's there, they would let us bring in cupcakes. definitely not. so on the sidewalk out front is where we sang, blew out candles and ate cupcakes. probably was the better choice anyway, since a group of toddlers do make a pretty big mess. tilley however, kept saying, "i wanna go to the park," since conway's party was there a whole 9 days before. she affiliated birthday parties with the park. this 3 year old, being the baby of 4, is quite smart for her age. she definitely knows exactly what she wants. my mom says, "sounds familiar!"

"donuts for breakfast, chic-fil-a for lunch, cafe weeo for dinner and pink cu-cakes!" were the food requests the night before her birthday. she had no help in making those choices, and besides breakfast, they were all fine by me. not only did this little princess eat good, but the rest of us all reaped in the benefits too! 2 of my favorite places to eat, and hands down my favorite box cake is strawberry with strawberry frosting. still to this day i request it for my own birthday. i love that we have similar taste buds! we went with zoe and easton to chic-fil-a, and then took dad lunch to his work. where she opened his presents. "gum and lick-stick." the huge jar of gumballs will stay at the store. she did finish the entire pack of hubba bubba before the days end.
i've started some bad habits. i love pedicures, so does my 3 year old. she wanted "nake-up" on her fingers and toes and she wanted to go to the mall and get it done on her face. we managed to do both. seriously, she loves the mall...mostly just nordstroms, and the make-up section. for the love. we go lots, cus it's conveniently located across the street from parker's store. sometimes we walk, sometimes we drive. it's that close. shoes and make-up, and she's happy. course the half-yearly sale had started the same day as her birthday. so nordstroms was jam packed. she had her make-up done and then picked out a pair of shoes. all my kids did...they were all in desperate need of new ones. her and quincy have been wanting some sketchers "twinkle toes" and lucky for me, certain styles were included in the half-yearly!

she had been expecting packages, since she saw conway get some on his birthday. grandma cheryl and the davy's are so thoughtful...she loved the gifts! money from grandma karen and grandma/pa gruninger got a similar, big eyed reaction from this little girl. it is so fun to get things in the mail, especially from loved ones that are so far away. she also got some fun gifts from her little friends. we are blessed to have friends and family in utah as well as in arizona.

little p had a coach pitch game, and we were greeted in the parking lot by the ice cream man. for the love. they are the same here as in arizona...missing teeth, booger picking, barely speak any english, type ice cream man. and for only $2, you can get a yummy treat from this nasty truck. seriously. the field is located right next to a skate park, so the kids always want to bring their scooters. the make-up games however, are during the week, so the skate park is packed with "pros." instead they ride all around the field, in front of the bleachers. she looks so cute on her razor, parker and i just sit and laugh. she seems so little to be so good on a razor. and with her new twinkle toes on, she got lots of looks.

cafe weeo after the game, and then presents and cupcakes (again) when we got home. this day for some reason exhausted me. i was ready for it to be over. we had a good 45 min. skype with the davy's after presents, and then our birthday girl finally passed out...and after one last look online at the half-yearly, so did her mom and dad. happy birthday tilley monster! "she's cute, she's cute, she's really, really cute!" parker always sings her this song, like 10x a day. which was like 100x on her birthday. she does a dance every time. that and the "birthday mix" in the car will be retired for a while. conway was done with the birthday mix after going through it a couple times. tilley requested it, at full volume any time we were in the car. and we were in the car a lot! i love this little mini me!