we've been spending our sunday's at provo canyon. the weather has been nice here, and we've been taking full advantage. i love that in
utah you can drive 5 minutes from wherever you are and be in the mountains. have a campfire, roast dogs and mallows, go on a hike, and then sleep in your own bed. it's a beautiful thing.

we take turns helping tilley's tired legs.
parker is such a good big brother, and always gives into her tantrums when nobody else is willing to carry her. sugar bowl is the perfect hiking distance for the kids. it's so much fun in there, i can't wait for the trees to turn green. they will i hope.
angus (the wrights dog) is still a puppy, and the kids love him. they chase around and fight over who
get's to hold his leash. we all die laughing when
tilley calls him, she says "
anis come!"

and what would we do without mike and his wagon rides down the little hill. little p did it solo once, and went on two wheels, twice. my heart came out of my chest. road rash is for sure in the kids near future.