easter. and a couple days after. julie, my talented cousin and friend...who sometimes out-does herself. made all the little girls easter skirts and the boys ties. she is amazing. they turned out so cute, i hope she is just as ambitious for every holiday! pictures with kids are totally a love/hate. they are necessary but frustrating. i think they did pretty well. they are all so cute, it's hare to get a bad picture. even if it was a couple days after the holiday.

the morning of. we didn't leave anything out for the easter bunny. and the kids were doubtful that he would find us in arizona. they woke up to a surprise. although the bunny must have known how sweet my kids already are, cus there was hardly any candy. thank goodness. swim suits, short sleeves, playdoh and lip glosses. pefect fillers.

general conference. some watched, some didn't. i think it should always be on easter. it was perfect being with family. we had eggs milk and toast and watched/listened to the first session at the cummard's. and then the second at the gruninger's. some went down for much needed naps. some denied they needed them, and passed out while listening to the speakers.

dad's money hunt. he insisted the kids are old enough for a money hunt. i insisted $20 was way too much to spend on kids 7 and under. my parents started this tradition when i was a kid, so it was hard to argue not continuing. even uncle anthony pitched in $. tilley was so not down. she would open the eggs as she found them, and throw them down when she saw $ instead of candy. the golden egg had $5 in it...bet by the picture you can tell who won and who didn't...

easter meal at auntie stephanie's was delicious, no doubt. the kids helped me peel the eggs they had colored saturday at grandma cheryl's. and we made deviled eggs. i used mayo instead of miracle whip....next year i may switch it up. ben had gone to the farmers market and found these huge carrots. the adults were more interested then the kids. he also found organic yellow carrots. i did the taste test...there was no difference. so my claiming the yellow ones to be better, wasn't legit.

the annual hunt with the nagai grand kids. this was the first year no adults played. the reason may be, cus uncle richard wasn't there. he never sits out...and usually gets the others involved. it was pretty chill this year. i enjoyed watching the kids hunt. after 2 different grassy parks, my allergies were again in full effect. i had even taken a few different medicines for my allergies and nothing was helping. i don't miss that part of arizona's spring. i could literally smell the orange blossoms as i drove into town. a smell i miss so much, but dreaded while living there.

perfect trip to az. it snowed in utah on easter sunday. like, a lot. yuck. how do you hunt eggs in the snow. the end.