grandma's farm. we used to live on a farm of our own. my kids loved it. my allergies hated it. some days i miss it. i think of the land we left, the friends we made, our ward family we had gotten close with. and it makes me sad. quincy is my little farm/animal girl. anything animal she loves. she always has. she never complained about feeding the dogs, watering the cows, petting the goat, or wresting with the pigs. she feels comfortable with animals. course she wouldn't jump in a lions den. but her heart goes tender for animals.

priority number one in az was cousins. priority number two was grandma's farm. it took us a while to make it over, but when we did the kids were in heaven. i kept my distance, except for pictures. my eyes are watering looking at all these animals. i remember my cousins getting bunnies for one easter, and being completely giddy! i held and played with them all day....till my eyes swelled shut. i am so allergic it's not even funny. they look so soft and cuddly! i had to strip my kids and remember not to love on them till after showers that night. and those poor animals. i don't know how they are all still alive with 18 grand kids smothering them.

the numbers are ridiculous on the farm. goats and baby goats, chickens and bunnies are everywhere. and i guess 18 grand kids can be considered animals at times. farms are so fun for kids. its a tricky way to teach kids responsibility. my dad was raised on a farm and drove a tractor at age 8. he is the hardest worker i know. the cummards also had a cow they milked as small, growing boys. i dream of the day we live on a farm again. till then we are greatful we have grandmas to visit.