we look forward to the sabbath day. lots of things special about the "day of rest" go on. first, it's one of dad's only day's off work. we aren't "sleeper-in-ers" luckily, cus we have 9am block. we eat a special sunday breakfast. we partake of the sacrament and attend our church meetings. in our ward we have sacrament backwards, and we love it! we eat lunch, usually left-overs, till we're so stuffed we go in food comatose. the majority of my home goes down for a couple, while me and little p have other quiet things we like to do with our time. we prepare a big sunday dinner, and of course eat...again till we are going to explode. and we usually have a tasty dessert waiting when there's room. but a big chunk of how we used to spend sunday we left behind in az. so we've had to compromise...

this is our 6th week away from loved ones. and it's becoming to feel "real." i love utah, some may be surprised. but i miss my family in arizona...a lot. the longest i have ever been away from my mother was a couple summers ago when we spent 17 days (not by choice) at the cabin in strawberry. it was quite the experience, and one that i wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy; another time for that crazy story. i am so appreciative to today's technology. that this tiny little web cam and website (skype) is able to keep us in touch with those that we love so much. the kids scream and get so excited to see their cousins, and i usually hide and cry as i listen. it is so nice though, that not only do we get to hear their voices, but we get to see their faces. 32 days till we will see you all again, and it feels like the last week of a summer pregnancy. we're ready! i've decided, thanks to a suggestion made by a friend, when there's only 30 days left, we're going to make a link chain, so that every night we can take off a ring...instead of santa or a christmas tree at the top, there will be pictures of our family, collaged into the shape of a sun. creative right!
(thanks linds!)