...is responsible for relocating our family to utah...and we couldn't be more grateful for the experience.

parker's friend, john merwin, owner of r&s mattress had proposed a job opening and running the first store in utah. parker accepted. the store is gorgeous, and sits in a prime location. right across from fashion place mall, and the "golden gates" aka nordstroms. right off of state street in murray, utah. so far they are advertised on all the local radio stations, and in ad's in the newspaper. on most days they have steady traffic, sometimes it's other matress store owners checking out the "new guy." which is always super obvious and is entertaining to parker. r&s is a mattress liquidation store. so their prices are un-beatable...which keeps customers happy, and makes other stores maaad. it has been a new fun experience for parker, and we are grateful to r&s for employing the soon to be "top selling store" manager, in utah. if all continues to go well, they plan to open more stores across utah valley, and we are happy to be a part of such a great family owned company.

we live not far from the store, 5 min. away or so, in sandy. which is nice, cus on so some days we bring daddy lunch...and test out a few of the mattresses. "kid tested, parent approved." the kids always put up a huge fight when it's time to go. thank goodness for the over-sized balloons...they usually solve the problem quick.