meet my friend, no not david (freedom boardshop), my awesome boot! the sunday before christmas, i broke my foot and my toe. crazy times, being (or feeling like anyway) a single mother of four. i was frantically running in and out of the house, trying to get my kids church clothes, and hurry to my parents, so that we could go to church with them. in and out, in and out, probably 3 or 4 different times. when i put the car in reverse, i realized i didn't have shoes on. i ran inside and on my last trip out, my foot met the corner of the couch. yes it hurt, but i was running late, and that makes me crazy. i ran to the car, and headed to my parents. still shoeless. i ran inside, dressed the kids, and ran back to the car....and we were off. it wasn't till we got to the church house, and i threw my shoes out of the car, and went to slip them on, when it hit me. "sh**!" ugh, no time to waste, we rushed inside...i could barely walk. we rushed in and sat down, and i kicked off my heels. my ring finger toe (next to the pinky), on my right foot was huge, and was going in a crazy direction. my mom's face, when she saw it, hurt more than the pain itself. she assured me that it was broke, and since she's a doctor, said i should tape it to the toe next to it. i hobbled to the library, and did as she said. 10 min. later, it hurt worse. i gripped the walls when i walked and then after 30 min. i ripped the tape off. if i had waited any longer, the swelling would have busted it off itself. lucky for me, parker's cousin is a chiropractor, and met me at his office for an x-ray. definitely broken toe. as the night went on, i decided to call parker's other cousin, and pediatrician. he reviewed the x-ray, and before diagnosing, asked where it hurt worse...and really the pain was mostly on the top, far right part of my foot. which is when he announced that not only was the toe definitely broke, but the bone on my foot was also broken. lovely. i had 2 choices, a hard cast or a boot. if you know me, you know i would have sawed off a hard cast by that would never work. the following day, there i a prosthetic center getting fitted for a boot. a child size boot, that almost reaches my knee. i hate it. it was amazing the pain it took off my foot though. this is the only picture i have with it....i hide it usually. but when i walked into freedom and met david....i couldn't resist. we had a whole conversation on how we both had breaks and how we did them. he didn't really care for a pic, but since we look like siblings AND had matching boots...he agreed. thank you david! and thank you black couch! 6-8 weeks with this sucker! yessss!