
all about quince

this is what six years looks like on my quincy!doesn't she just scream, "i'm all grown up!" i cannot stand it! your outfit of coice...shirt and pants from dad, necklace from mom, and of course a side pony, out (not in a bun) with a ribbon not a flower. it was your special day!you had a sleep-over with your best friends, and cousins molly and ellie at ellie's new house! and mom brought over donuts and milk for breakfast! and after opened presents sent all the way from utah, from dad! all the winter necessities! we met friends at chic-fil-a for a birthday lunch! and were lucky enough to be visited by these special elves sent by santa! thank you taryn lebaron for screaming to our visitors, "i hate elves!" we got a good laugh! thank you amber for being a good sport!
you helped grandma karen make her special "hearts and stars" birthday cake. grandma always makes the best birthday cakes. she's also known for her birthday displays. they never fail to make one feel super special! we love her for that!you supported your cousins at their dance performance, and then got your nails done! you favorite color of course, purple! then we waited patiently for everyone to come help sing "happy birthday" and enjoy the cake you helped make!
a special thank you to grandma cheryl! she always takes you birthday shopping. you get to pick out gifts of your choice. and moon sand is one of your favorites. and one of mom's least! you had a great 6th birthday, and although dad was in utah...he sure made up for it when he came to visit. peter piper with molly and ellie always trumps any kind of birthday celebrations! we love you quincy!