we're new to the whole utah weather thing. but we're learning as we go. friday was gorgeous here. it was in the 50's, which is "nice." i wore short sleeves and had the doors and windows open. it felt great! after bragging to arizona about how nice it was...stephanie warned me that it was "the warm before the storm." which made perfect sense come saturday. it snowed all day long. with the snow came the rain, and the freezing wind. the high was 30 something. we missed church on sunday. we had a super late night, and at 4am parker and i found ourselves confused...one clock said one thing, another something different. daylight savings. we've never had to deal with that. and seriously an hour makes a huge difference. after getting confirmation of the change from text messages: remember to change your clocks az! we were scrambling to get kids up and ready. only to find that our battery had died in the car. we put on snow clothes, and climbed in parker's truck. parker likes to take drives. whether it's to look for the perfect neighborhood or the perfect sledding hill. he had been waiting for this "storm" for his chance to take the kids to the hill he had been talking about.filled with failed attempts at a snowman, snow angels and snowball fights. it was fun times. the kids usually strip down and claim to be hot...which makes no sense. but after hiking up the hill, i knew exactly what they were talking about. little p of course isn't satisfied with a straight shot, and has to make all kinds of jumps. he is our little daredevil for sure. he hit one jump perfectly and caught major air. which was followed by "ooooohhhhh!" by everyone watching. and all you hear is a distant giggle out of him. and then a holler from p "yeah peezy!" boys will be boys.