i am so proud of these two i can hardly stand it. parker was student of the month last month, and was honored for showing "respect." and now this month
quincy was awarded, and recognized for showing "cooperation." i was shocked that 2 months in a row my kids were awarded at a school for which they have spend only 2 months at. nothing can make me prouder. and nothing makes parker and i wonder more "where did these kids come from?!"

parent teacher conferences were last week, and since we haven't yet found a sitter we love and trust with our kids, parker stayed home while i attended. it's always an emotional thing for me, and i do not know why. i even tear up when i type this...there are many things that give parents the "so proud, can't control the emotions" feeling. hearing how well your kids are doing at school is one of them.
parker's teacher went on and on about how thankful she was to have parker in her class. she said, "teachers pray for students like parker." he is kind, helpful, includes and participates in everything, and is very respectful. music to this mom's ears. parker reads at a 3rd grade level, and he takes the highest level spelling test. which only him and 4 other classmates (out of 28) are able to take. and he gets 100% every time. the part that gets me, is how sweet parker is. all of his teachers since preschool have always recognized how parker strives to include everyone. he never discriminates, size, shape or color. the more the merrier for him. he doesn't like anyone to be left out. and it gets me choked up hearing someone else express how appreciative they are of this special quality.
quincy is her mama's girl. i remember putting a shy front on the first few days of school. to get the feel of things, until completely breaking out of my comfort zone. but watch out after that, cus then we spread our butterfly wings. socially. quincy is always the first to raise her hand and the first to want to help. sometimes in a "competitive" way. sound familiar? quincy sometimes gets a little fighsty (if she's not first at everything), and has to be reminded to be nice. i love my quincy, but i couldn't have described her more to a T. she has the cutest smile, and people usually flock to her...but know when to keep their distance. she shows strong leadership skills and is always anxious to participate in anything and everything. some of quincy's "shark prides" are being recognized for her "organizing" the classroom skills. imagine that. quincy reads at a first grade level, and when she's not rushing has excellent handwriting skills. so proud of both of my elementary school kids!
keep up the good work!