the inversion got the best of us. parker has been sick, and so has tilley. and i admit i don't feel 100% either. to answer everyone's first question, "yes it's cold here in utah." but i don't mind it. i'd just rather it be
cold and snowing, than cold and foggy. january hasn't given us the best of "welcome to utah." cold, not a lot of snow, not a lot of sun, and too much of the nasty air. we're looking forward to february!

we are, however, having fun getting to know our surroundings...and meeting fun people! believe it or not, we do have friends. we've made some instant connections, with great people. the kind of connections that usually take months, sometimes years to develop. i am so blessed. the kids don't seem to mind the cold weather. we've gone to parks, rode razors up and down the fun hills. gone sledding, and gone in-door swimming lots! we're grateful to be busy.

my kids still freak out when it snows. it's only been a couple times where the flakes have been big enough for them to realize it's actually snow falling. their excitement and joy really will never get old. ok fine, i love it too. it took me 28 years, to experience a real snow fall...and i love it. when people would describe how magical a snow fall is, i would roll my eyes like the rest of them. believe me when i testify of it's magic. the only thing i like better is a good sunburn.
i love weather, even if sometimes we're under it....