we are all so excited about baby number 5! the kids have been arguing since the day we told them "mom has a baby in her tummy" that it was a boy or a girl. not only that, but they've argued names, and who get's to hold it first. usually this is in the car, and it makes me laugh. tilley seems to care the most. she's switched from boy to girl, and has stayed girl for the past couple months. she's named it annie, and summer, and goldie locks and she refers to my tummy as "mom's phoebe." the first couple times she said it i thought she was saying "mom's baby" but then realized she has been saying "mom's phoebe." which i think is so cute. well before we make the big move back to arizona, and are away from daddy for a little bit. i decided we leave him with a surprise. today before going to lunch with my cousin steph, that i'll miss so much...i'm going to a place called fetal photos, to find out the gender. i haven't slept since i made the appointment on friday. i am so excited. since the day i found out i was pregnant, i've thought it was a girl. i really don't mind either way. i'm just 90% sure it's a girl. i've only really considered girl names, i really only look at girl clothes. i would be completely shocked if they said "boy!" i'm not the type that "knows with every one" but i did know with parker and quincy. conway and tilley i didn't. in less than 2 hours, it will no longer be a secret, and i can begin the planning. i cannot wait!