parker and i went with grandma karen to the scout store. parker was very curious. he could have spent all day there. all i kept thinking was "when is that mattas across the way going to open?!" parker's excitement for the scout program makes me smile. my mom is a big wig in scouts...for her stake. so it is nice having her there to ask questions about the program. it also helps that grandma cheryl is a mother of 6 boys, all eagle scouts. parker wants his eagle by age 14. parker flew through his bobcat. for family night one night i figured we'd finish by going over the "parent handbook." i strongly advice reading it over, before sitting in front of all your kids trying to do so. it was very straight forward about some things that i wasn't ready to share with my little ones. scary. dad wasn't there to assist either...but it went well. i am glad it's over, and my kids have that little scare of what we call reality. even tho i dont think my littlest ones really understood. we're super excited for scouts, it helps having an ambitious child!