we got an invite to the
sundance film festival, and our friends made babysitting arrangements at their house. thank you a million times over wrights and millers. we were in desperate need of a date night. the weather driving up the canyon was terrible. we were asked the question, "didn't you check the weather?" you do know we're from arizona right. that's not a "norm" for us. to "check the weather" before going anywhere. our bad. really, the drive up was so bad, once we were to park city, we called and had a back up plan in case the highway was shut down and we were stuck. scary! an hour later, and we were belly up to one of my favorite restaurants, "main street pizza and noodle."

we were greeted by these crazies, after they did an interview for a tv station. freaks, yes. funny, yes. HUGE, yes!

jennilyn, i love you! you have made my first month in utah fly by! it feels so natural with you. we like the same things, we laugh at the same things. we have kids the same ages, and they are equally as rowdie. our husbands clicked, and that is huge. thank you for having the kind of smile that lights up a room. the kind of heart that thinks of others before itself. thank you for calling just to "check in" (every day). for stopping by to bring me cookies...and for being a real genuine friend. whether you know it or not, you have made a big difference in my life here in utah. thank you! friends forever.